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At Capricorn Life Sciences, we know that digestive health is an essential key to well-being and quality of life. That is why we develop products that are not only effective, but also tailored to your customers' needs. Our solutions within gastroenterology are designed to simplify complex problems, provide new opportunities and grow your brand.

Problems and Causes

Many people experience digestive problems at some point in their lives. Some of the most common complaints and conditions for which our gastroenterology products can be useful are:

  • Heartburn and reflux: caused by excessive production of stomach acid or a weakened sphincter between the stomach and oesophagus.

  • Digestive disorders: such as bloating, flatulence or dyspepsia, often the result of irregular eating habits or food intolerances.

  • Diarrhoea or constipation: caused by imbalances in intestinal flora, nutritional deficiencies or medication use.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome: a common condition characterised by abdominal pain, cramps and disturbed bowel movements.

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): a condition in which stomach acid repeatedly flows back up into the tube connecting the mouth and stomach, called the esophagus. It's often called GERD for short. This backwash is known as acid reflux, and it can irritate the lining of the esophagus. Many people experience acid reflux now and then. However, when acid reflux happens repeatedly over time, it can cause GERD. Most people can manage the discomfort of GERD with lifestyle changes and medicines such as Gastirom and Gastusod for an extra-strong long-lasting relief.

Solutions for Digestive Health

Capricorn Life Sciences offers a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical products that can help support healthy digestion and relieve discomfort. Some of the key applications include:

Relief for stomach upset and heartburn

Many people experience heartburn, heartburn or indigestion on a regular basis. These symptoms can cause discomfort, especially after eating or during stressful periods. Gastucalm Oral Solution provides quick relief by soothing the stomach lining and regulating stomach acid production. This not only helps relieve heartburn but also promotes gastrointestinal recovery.

Gastroenterology products

En Capricorn Life Sciences, nos dedicamos a ampliar los límites de la innovación y la excelencia en la industria de las ciencias biológicas. Capricorn se estableció en 2009 en los Países Bajos con la visión de mejorar la salud global a través de investigación y desarrollo de vanguardia. Nos especializamos en la creación de productos avanzados que abordan las necesidades cambiantes del sector de la salud.

Cada año Capricornio participa en varios eventos farmacéuticos como: EuroPLX, PharmaVenue, Vitafoods, BEPHarm y CPHI Worldwide.

Gastroenterology - visual presentation of pain area


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Capricorn Life Sciences ofrece productos farmacéuticos con valiosos PVU para comercialización y distribución: alimentos para fines médicos especiales (FSMP), complementos alimenticios y dispositivos médicos.

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+31 (0)6 462 38 997

2555 GR La Haya, Países Bajos

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